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¡Encuentra el paquete perfecto para ti!

Advanced Safety and Training es una plataforma de aprendizaje electrónico basada en suscripción. Nuestros paquetes de capacitación están diseñados teniendo en cuenta las necesidades únicas de su empresa, garantizando rentabilidad y soluciones integrales. Priorizamos su presupuesto ofreciendo servicios personalizados, asegurándonos de que no se le cobre por ningún componente innecesario. Cada paquete cuesta $19.99 por mes con 9-20+ cursos en línea incluidos.

Capacitación en intervención de espectadores

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Duración del curso:

1 hora

What is Bystander Intervention Training?

With Advanced Safety and Training our Bystander Intervention Training equips individuals with the tools and knowledge to intervene safely and effectively in situations involving harassment and bullying.

Bystander Intervention Training Online Training: Convenient and Accessible

Our online Bystander Intervention Training offers the convenience of learning from anywhere, at any time. With lessons and topics and expert guidance, you can enhance your skills at your own pace.

Empowering Techniques for Intervention

Understanding harassment and bullying is essential. Through the 5Ds of Intervention and the Green Dot Model, you’ll learn practical strategies to intervene proactively and de-escalate tense situations.

De-escalation Techniques: Discover proven methods to diffuse conflicts and prevent escalation.

Assertive Communication and Setting Boundaries: Learn how to communicate assertively and establish healthy boundaries, crucial for effective intervention.

Matching Interventions to Scenarios

Every situation is unique and we made our course to allow you to apply it to your workplace. Our training will teach you how to assess scenarios and choose the most appropriate intervention strategies, ensuring your actions make a positive impact.

Offering Support After an Incident: Gain insights into providing support to victims and survivors, fostering a supportive environment for healing and recovery.

Reporting and Bystander Responsibility: Understand your role in reporting incidents and holding perpetrators accountable, contributing to a safer community for all.

Self-Care Strategies: Taking care of yourself is paramount. Learn self-care techniques to maintain your well-being while actively participating in bystander intervention efforts.

Enroll now with Advanced Safety and Training in our Bystander Intervention Training and become equipped to create positive change in your community.

¡Al final de este curso, tendrá 2 intentos para lograr un 80% o superior en el examen final para recibir su Certificado de Logro! ¡Disfrute del curso y complete la encuesta al final!

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