Decon Details

Decontamination procedures should be tailored to the specific hazards of the site and will vary in complexity and number of steps, depending on the level of hazard and the employee’s exposure to the hazard. Decontamination procedures and PPE decontamination methods will vary depending upon the specific substance, since one procedure or method will not work for all substances. Evaluation of decontamination methods and procedures should be performed, as necessary, to assure that employees are not exposed to hazards by reusing PPE. References in Appendix D may be used for guidance in establishing an effective decontamination program. In addition, the U.S.Coast Guard’s Manual, “Policy Guidance for Response to Hazardous Chemical Releases,” U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC (COMDTINST M16465.30) is a good reference for establishing an effective decontamination program.
