Dangerous Goods List

The Dangerous Goods List is a comprehensive list of specific dangerous goods, substances, and articles that are regulated under the IMDG Code. It provides detailed information about each item, including its Proper Shipping Name (PSN), classification, packing group, and any specific requirements for packaging, labeling, marking, and documentation.

Key points about the Dangerous Goods List (DGL) in the IMDG Code include:

1.   Inclusion of Dangerous Goods: 

The DGL includes a wide range of hazardous materials, chemicals, and substances that are considered dangerous for transportation by sea. These materials are categorized into various hazard classes and divisions.

2.   Proper Shipping Names (PSNs): 

Each entry in the DGL is associated with a Proper Shipping Name (PSN), which is the standardized name used to identify the substance or article being shipped. The PSN is an essential element for accurate classification and documentation.

3.   Classification Information: 

The DGL provides classification information for each listed dangerous good, specifying its hazard class, division, and any applicable packing group. This information is essential for determining the appropriate safety measures and packaging requirements.

4.   Packing Instructions: 

The DGL includes references to specific packing instructions within the IMDG Code. These packing instructions detail how the dangerous goods should be packaged, including container types, construction materials, and closure methods.

5.   Labeling and Marking Information: 

The DGL may include references to labeling and marking requirements for each dangerous good. This information helps shippers and carriers ensure that containers and packages are correctly labeled and marked according to the code.

6.   Documentation Requirements: 

The DGL often indicates the documentation requirements for each listed dangerous good. This includes the necessary information to be included in the dangerous goods declaration and shipping documents.

7.   Cross-Referencing: 

The DGL serves as a reference guide for shippers, carriers, and regulatory authorities when identifying and handling dangerous goods shipments. It cross-references the specific provisions of the IMDG Code related to each listed item.

It’s important to note that the Dangerous Goods List (DGL) is an essential tool for those involved in the transportation of dangerous goods by sea. However, the information and details within the DGL may be subject to updates and amendments as the IMDG Code is periodically revised. Users should consult the most current version of the IMDG Code and its associated Dangerous Goods List for the latest regulatory requirements and guidance.

