HLO Checklist

Twenty minutes (20) before any helicopter lands or takes off from the platform, it is the duty of the HLO to insure that:

  • He receives operator advise on details of ETA, incoming load and fuel requirements.
  • Ensures deck area is clear of obstructions and free from all loose articles.
  • Check fire/crash equipment.
  • Check landing net to insure it is secure (International only).
  • Fire watches shall be alerted and on standby.
  • Review the passenger manifest list for confirmation of passenger names and items to be unloaded.
  • Provide the proper safety briefing for all departing passengers referring the specific helicopter that will be used for transport.

Ten (10) minutes before helicopter’s ETA:

  • Prepare to stop any Crane movement and operations.
  • Prepare fire equipment as required and prepare fire watches for assignment.
  • Restrict access to flight heliport deck area.
  • If fuel will be required, insure fuel sample document sheets are available.

Five Minutes Before Landing:

  • Confirm all crane operations have ceased and that the crane’s boom is in cradle.  Catastrophic consequences can occur whenever safe industry practices for crane/helicopter operations are not observed.
  • Confirm readiness of heliport deck crew.
  • Clear heliport deck of all personnel.