New Hire Flashback!


Congratulations, you’re almost done with the course!  However, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the course content before you take the final exam. You will only get 2 chances to pass the final with a score of 80% or higher. 

If you aren’t confident in your knowledge of one of the following subjects, go back to the relevant lesson in the course to give it a review.

  • You should get paid if your New Hire Orientation is in regular business hours.
  • Job orientation programs range from a single day to an entire week.
  • You should include other resources such as maps, a list of nearby restaurants and coffee shops in your onboarding process.
  • Your new hire orientation should reflect the culture of your organization.
  • Most new hire orientations are followed with an assessment.
  • If there is a long period of time between the offer and the start date, stay in regular communication with your employee.
  • Shortly before the start date, send your new employee an email or letter that includes the following:
    • Date and time to arrive the first day
    • What to bring on the first day (to complete the I-9 and W-4 forms,)
    • Where to report and who to ask for upon arrival
    • Transportation and/or parking information
  • A new Hire Checklist is your go-to list for the initial information new employees should receive.