Parts 1 and 2 of the Code

The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code is divided into two main parts:

1. Part 1 – General Provisions and Definitions:

Part 1 of the IMDG Code contains general provisions and definitions that are applicable to the entire code. It provides essential information about the scope and purpose of the code, as well as definitions of key terms and concepts used throughout the code. Part 1 also includes information on responsibilities, training, and documentation requirements related to the transport of dangerous goods by sea.

2. Part 2 – Classification:

Part 2 of the IMDG Code is the largest section and deals with the classification of dangerous goods. It provides detailed criteria and guidelines for classifying hazardous materials into various classes and divisions based on their primary hazards. This part of the code covers a wide range of hazardous materials, including explosives, gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizing substances, toxic and infectious substances, radioactive materials, corrosive substances, and more. Part 2 includes specific requirements for packaging, labeling, marking, and documentation for each class of dangerous goods.

In addition to these two main parts, the IMDG Code also includes appendices, an index, and a list of amendments. The appendices provide additional information and guidance on various topics related to the transport of dangerous goods by sea.

Overall, Part 1 sets the foundation for the code, while Part 2 contains the detailed classification and regulatory requirements for the safe and responsible transport of dangerous goods by sea.

This training is current up to  September 2021, there was no specific “supplement” to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code in the traditional sense. However, there are additional resources and publications that complement and provide guidance for the IMDG Code. These resources include:

1. IMDG Code Supplemental Publications:

The IMO publishes supplemental materials and guides to assist users of the IMDG Code. These publications may provide additional explanations, examples, and practical advice on implementing the code’s requirements. Examples include the “IMDG Code Supplement” and the “IMDG Code Compliance Centre.”

2. National Regulations and Guidelines:

Many countries and regions have their own national regulations and guidelines that may complement or provide specific requirements in addition to the IMDG Code. These regulations may be issued by government agencies responsible for transportation and safety.

3. Industry-Specific Guidance:

Various industry associations and organizations related to the transportation of dangerous goods may publish guidelines and best practices that align with the IMDG Code. These documents can provide additional guidance tailored to specific sectors, such as chemical manufacturing or the shipping industry.

4. Training and Educational Materials:

Training programs and educational materials are available to help individuals and organizations understand and comply with the IMDG Code. These resources often include practical examples and case studies to enhance understanding.

It’s important to note that the IMDG Code itself is periodically updated with amendments to reflect changes in regulations and best practices. Users are encouraged to consult the most current version of the IMDG Code and any relevant supplemental materials provided by the IMO and national authorities to ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

Part 1&2 of IDMG Code