Safety Data Sheets Flashback


Congratulations, you’re almost done with the course!  However, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the course content before you take the final exam. You will only get 2 chances to pass the final with a score of 80% or higher. 

If you aren’t confident in your knowledge of one of the following subjects, go back to the relevant lesson in the course to give it a review.

  • The Global Harmonized System is used throughout many countries
  • GHS stands for Globally Harmonized System
  • SDS stands for Safety Data Sheets
  • SDS and MSDS can NOT be used interchangeably.
  • Employees must be trained when they are hired along with being trained every 2 years
  • Section 8 is where to find information on Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Contact Information of the Supplier can be found in Section 1 of the Safety Data Sheet
  • Section 4 is where you would find information regarding First Aid Measures
  • You will be able to find recommendations of suitable fire extinguishing equipment in Section 5  ”Fire Fighting Measures”
  • Section 14 is where you would be able to find information regarding Transportation of a chemical by road, air, rail, or sea in an SDS sheet
  • The information contained in the SDS must be in english (although it may be in other languages as well)
  • Employees should be trained on hazardous chemicals in the workplace when they are hired, annually and when a new chemical or hazard is introduced into the workplace