Buses and emergency vehicles are priorities on the road because they are important to the safety of our society. There are many special laws you need to follow surrounding buses and emergency vehicles such as EMS vehicles, fire engines and/or police cars.
When approaching a stopped bus from behind, slow down and pass the bus at no faster than 10 miles per hour. If the stop sign on the bus is raised, do not pass the bus and wait for the bus to proceed from their stop. Watch for pedestrians who may be entering or leaving the bus.
With school buses, watch for flashing red lights, this indicates that you must stop, and it is illegal to past. Children and traffic are dangerous, and you must notice the signs and lights to ensure you are following all rules.
Emergency Vehicles:
When an emergency vehicle is coming from behind, you MUST yield the right of way for them, pull over as far right as possible and stop until the vehicle has passed. If you find yourself following this vehicle on your route, do not end up at the scene. This is illegal in most states so get out as quickly as possible.