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Advanced Safety and Training is a subscription-based eLearning platform. Our training packages are designed with your company’s unique needs in mind, ensuring cost-effectiveness and comprehensive solutions. We prioritize your budget by offering tailored services, ensuring you’re not charged for any unnecessary components. Each package is $19.99 per month with 9-20+ online courses included.

DOT Hours of Service Training

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Course Duration:

55 Minutes

Comprehensive DOT Hours of Service Training

DOT hours of service training is essential for anyone operating a commercial motor vehicle in the United States. Issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), these regulations are designed to ensure the safety of drivers and others on the road by limiting driving and working hours and enforcing mandatory rest periods.

Understanding FMCSA Hours of Service Regulations

FMCSA hours of service regulations are designed to prevent driver fatigue, a significant factor in accidents involving commercial vehicles. These rules apply to various drivers, including truckers, commercial bus operators, and school bus drivers. By setting limits on driving and on-duty time, the regulations aim to reduce the risks associated with extended hours of operation.

Stay Compliant with DOT HOS Training

DOT HOS training equips drivers and carriers with the knowledge they need to stay compliant with regulations. This training covers various aspects of hours of service, including driving limits, mandatory rest breaks, and proper use of driver log books. By understanding and adhering to these rules, drivers contribute to safer roads and more responsible transportation practices.

Benefits of Driver Log Book Training

Driver log book training is a crucial component of DOT hours of service training. It teaches drivers how to accurately record their driving and rest periods in log books or electronic logging devices (ELDs). Proper record-keeping not only ensures compliance but also helps drivers manage their schedules effectively while prioritizing safety.

Operating a commercial motor vehicle is a significant responsibility that requires adherence to strict regulations. By undergoing DOT hours of service training, drivers enhance their understanding of FMCSA regulations, contribute to road safety, and maintain their professional reputation.

Start Your DOT Hours of Service Training Today

Are you ready to prioritize safety and compliance in your commercial driving career? Enroll in our DOT hours of service training program today. Gain the knowledge and skills you need to stay compliant, prevent fatigue-related incidents, and ensure the well-being of yourself and others on the road.

At the end of this course, you will have 2 attempts to achieve an 80% or above on the final exam to receive your Certificate of Achievement!  Enjoy the course, and please fill out the survey at the end!

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