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Advanced Safety and Training is a subscription-based eLearning platform. Our training packages are designed with your company’s unique needs in mind, ensuring cost-effectiveness and comprehensive solutions. We prioritize your budget by offering tailored services, ensuring you’re not charged for any unnecessary components. Each package is $19.99 per month with 9-20+ online courses included.

Hearing Conservation: Instructor Led

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Course Duration:

2 Hours

Hearing Conservation Training Course

Welcome to our comprehensive Hearing Conservation training course, designed to educate you on the purpose and benefits of implementing a hearing conservation program. In this in-person course, you will gain valuable insights into the impact of noise on hearing and how to protect your auditory health.

At the heart of hearing conservation lies the understanding of essential concepts. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Define Noise: Gain a clear understanding of what constitutes noise in various contexts and its potential effects on hearing.

Identify Hearing Loss Threshold: Discover the sound levels at which most individuals experience hearing loss, a critical insight for prevention.

Explore Ear Anatomy: Delve into the intricacies of the ear by identifying its three main components, providing you with a fundamental understanding of the auditory system.

In-Depth Noise Control Insights

Our course doesn’t stop at theory. We also delve into practical solutions for reducing noise levels in various environments. You will learn about engineering controls that effectively mitigate noise, ensuring a safer and quieter work or recreational space.

Choosing the Right Hearing Protection

One crucial aspect of hearing conservation is selecting the right hearing protection. We’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of two common choices: earplugs and earmuffs. You’ll gain the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your hearing protection.

Moreover, you’ll learn how to properly insert earplugs for maximum effectiveness and comfort, a skill that can significantly impact your hearing safety.

Understanding Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is a critical factor when selecting hearing protection. We’ll define NRR and explain its significance, helping you choose the most suitable protection for your specific needs.

Hearing Conservation Training

We will also introduce you to audiograms, a key tool in assessing and monitoring hearing health. You’ll gain insights into how audiograms are performed and interpreted, offering a valuable skill set for hearing professionals and individuals alike.

By the end of our Hearing Conservation training course, you will be well-equipped to safeguard your hearing and contribute to the preservation of auditory health in your community.

Call us at 877.593.8693 for pricing on this course, to reserve your seat, or for more information.

At the end of this course, you will have 2 attempts to achieve an 80% or above on the final exam to receive your Certificate of Achievement!  Enjoy the course, and please fill out the survey at the end!

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