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Advanced Safety and Training is a subscription-based eLearning platform. Our training packages are designed with your company’s unique needs in mind, ensuring cost-effectiveness and comprehensive solutions. We prioritize your budget by offering tailored services, ensuring you’re not charged for any unnecessary components. Each package is $19.99 per month with 9-20+ online courses included.

Introduction to Fall Protection Instructor Led

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Course Duration:

4 Hours

Introduction to Fall Protection

Are you looking to ensure the safety of your workforce when it comes to falling hazards? Our comprehensive “Introduction to Fall Protection” course is designed to meet OSHA 29 CFR 1926.500 regulations, making it mandatory for all personnel exposed to fall hazards. In this four-hour course, participants will gain essential knowledge and practical skills to protect themselves and others from potential risks.

In-Person Training for Enhanced Learning

While online resources provide valuable information, nothing beats hands-on, in-person training. Our course offers an interactive and immersive learning experience, fostering a deeper understanding of fall protection. In-person training allows for practical exercises and real-time feedback, ensuring participants are well-prepared for real-world scenarios.

Comprehensive Introduction to Fall Protection Course Outline

Our “Introduction to Fall Protection” course covers a wide range of crucial topics, equipping participants with the expertise they need. The course begins with an exploration of regulatory requirements and essential definitions. It then delves into:

Walking / Working Surfaces: Understanding the principles of safe footing and working surfaces to prevent falls.

Guardrail Systems: Learning about the construction and use of guardrails for added protection.

Safety Nets: Exploring the role of safety nets in fall prevention and how to use them effectively.

Personal Fall Arrest Systems and Positioning Devices: Mastering the use of personal fall arrest systems and positioning devices.

Fall Protection Equipment: Getting to know the tools and gear that provide vital safety during work at heights.

Protection From Falling Objects: Preventing objects from falling and endangering personnel on the ground.

Planning & Monitoring: Understanding the importance of careful planning and ongoing monitoring in fall protection.

Scaffolding Safety Awareness: Recognizing the significance of safe scaffolding practices.

PFA Demonstration & Exercises: Hands-on demonstrations and exercises for personal fall arrest systems.

Proper Tie-Off Selection: Choosing the right tie-off points and systems for different scenarios.

Equipment Inspection: Regular equipment checks to ensure safety and reliability.

Floor Openings: Identifying and securing openings to prevent falls.

Written Examination: A comprehensive exam to evaluate knowledge and ensure competence.

Our course provides participants with the skills and knowledge needed to handle fall protection confidently and safely. Successful completion of the course results in a certification that demonstrates your commitment to safety and compliance.

Ready to Enhance Your Fall Protection Knowledge?

If you’re ready to invest in the safety and expertise of your workforce, enroll in our “Introduction to Fall Protection” course today. Contact us at 877.593.8693 for pricing, to reserve your seat, or to obtain more information.

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