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Advanced Safety and Training is a subscription-based eLearning platform. Our training packages are designed with your company’s unique needs in mind, ensuring cost-effectiveness and comprehensive solutions. We prioritize your budget by offering tailored services, ensuring you’re not charged for any unnecessary components. Each package is $19.99 per month with 9-20+ online courses included.

Sexual Harassment

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Course Duration:

25 Minutes

Understanding and Preventing Sexual Harassment

Welcome to our comprehensive course on Sexual Harassment. In today’s workplaces, it is crucial to address and prevent sexual harassment to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all. This course is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of what sexual harassment is, how to combat it, and offer online training for your convenience.

Harassment in the workplace is an issue that affects employees’ well-being and organizational culture. It is essential to recognize and address harassment to create a workplace where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Harassment in the Workplace: What You Need to Know

Our journey begins with a thorough exploration of harassment in the workplace. We’ll define what sexual harassment is, discussing both quid pro quo and hostile work environment harassment. You’ll learn how to recognize the signs and manifestations of harassment and understand the impact it can have on individuals and the workplace as a whole.

Prevention is key. We’ll delve into the legal and regulatory aspects of sexual harassment, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Understanding the legal framework is crucial for employers and employees alike, as it outlines their rights and responsibilities in preventing and addressing harassment.

Online Training for a Harassment-Free Workplace

Our online training offers the flexibility to enhance your knowledge and skills in preventing harassment. It allows you to access training materials, video lessons, and interactive resources at your own pace. With the convenience of online learning, you can balance your professional development with your busy schedule.

Our comprehensive online training program doesn’t compromise on quality. You’ll have access to experienced instructors who guide you through the course material. Online training is particularly valuable for organizations looking to provide their employees with essential knowledge and skills to combat sexual harassment effectively.

Enroll Today and Combat Sexual Harassment

By the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of sexual harassment, the legal framework, and the skills required to combat it. Obtaining a certificate through our program is a testament to your commitment to creating a harassment-free workplace.

Take action against harassment. Enroll today and make a difference by contributing to a workplace where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

At the end of this course, you will have 2 attempts to achieve an 80% or above on the final exam to receive your Certificate of Achievement!  Enjoy the course, and please fill out the survey at the end!

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