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Advanced Safety and Training is a subscription-based eLearning platform. Our training packages are designed with your company’s unique needs in mind, ensuring cost-effectiveness and comprehensive solutions. We prioritize your budget by offering tailored services, ensuring you’re not charged for any unnecessary components. Each package is $19.99 per month with 9-20+ online courses included.

Drug-Free Workplace for Employees

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Course Duration:

30 Minutes

Creating a drug-free workplace for employees is an essential goal for any organization committed to ensuring a safe and productive environment. A drug-free workplace not only protects the well-being of employees but also contributes to higher productivity, reduced accidents, and a positive company culture.

Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention

Substance abuse awareness is a critical component of maintaining a drug-free workplace. Employees should be educated about the risks and consequences of alcohol and drug abuse, both for their personal health and for the overall health of the organization.

Our comprehensive training program provides employees with valuable insights into:
• The requirements of the drug-free workplace policy
• The prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse and its impact on the workplace
• Recognizing the link between poor performance and substance abuse
• The progression of addiction as a disease
• Available assistance and support for overcoming substance abuse

Implementing a Strong Drug-Free Workplace Policy

A well-defined drug-free workplace policy is the foundation of a safe and healthy work environment. This policy outlines expectations, responsibilities, and consequences related to substance abuse within the workplace. By implementing a strong policy, organizations set clear boundaries and expectations, ensuring that employees understand the importance of maintaining a drug-free workplace.

Our training program not only educates employees about the policy’s content but also emphasizes the benefits of a drug-free workplace for individual well-being, team dynamics, and overall organizational success.

Earn Your Drug-Free Workplace Training Certificate

Upon successful completion of our comprehensive training program, participants will receive a training certificate. This certificate serves as tangible evidence of an employee’s commitment to maintaining a drug-free workplace and contributing to a safe and productive organization.

By enrolling in our training program, employees gain the knowledge and awareness needed to make informed decisions, recognize signs of substance abuse, and contribute to the creation of a positive and drug-free work environment.

Join us in creating a safer and more productive workplace. Enroll in our training program today and earn your drug-free workplace training certificate.

At the end of this course, you will have 2 attempts to achieve an 80% or above on the final exam to receive your Certificate of Achievement!  Enjoy the course, and please fill out the survey at the end!

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