Emergency Action Plan

Emergency Action Plan
  • STAY HEALTHY! – Know how to maintain and protect your family’s health and wellness.
  • STAY CONNECTED – Discuss ways to communicate with family, friends, and caregivers.
  • STAY CALM – Practice ways to stay calm, cool, and collected in an emergency.
  • STAY INFORMED – Find sources of reliable health and emergency information.

Keep an up-to-date list of phone numbers for your physician, pediatrician, pharmacist, counselor, and veterinarian.

Collect and protect important paperwork.

Ask a friend or relative who lives outside of the immediate area preferably in another state to be your family’s Out-of-Town Contact.

Identify a shelter-in-place location inside your home, a “sick room” that can be used to separate sick household members from those who are healthy, two (2) emergency meeting places outside your home where your family can reunite in an emergency, and at least two (2) ways out of every room in your home.

Locate boarding facilities or animal hospitals where you can lodge your pets in an evacuation. Contact a local animal shelter, animal control, or a relief organization if you need help or have questions.

Ask your employer and your child’s school or daycare for copies and an explanation of their emergency plans. Does the school have a family reunification plan? What are the sick-leave policies and telework options at your work?
