Suspicious Activies to Watch for
- Vessels operating in areas or ways which are unusual for their design
- Unusual activity on a vessel
- Unknown persons photographing facilities
- Suspicious venders attempting to sell merchandise, or set up food stands either adjacent or in the proximity of facilities.
- Unknown persons, calling facilities to ascertain security, personnel, or standard operating procedures
- Vehicles or small boats with personnel; in them loitering and perhaps taking photographs or creating diagrams of facilities
- Suspicious general aviation aircraft operating in the proximity to facilities
- Unknown persons attempting to gain information about facilities by walking up to personnel or their families and engaging them in conversation
- Theft of standard operating procedure documents
- Unknown or suspicious workmen trying to gain access to facilities to repair, replace, service, or install equipment
- Suspicious package drop offs or attempted drop offs
- Persons attempting to charter a vessel for suspicious or unstated reasons
- Anti – American sentiment being expressed by employees or vendors
- Anti – American pamphlets or flyers distributed to employees or placed on vehicles