Ways to reduce Solvent Vapor Exposure

vapor capture

Ways to Reduce Solvent Vapor Exposure

One of the ways to reduce possible exposure to vapors is to follow your company site safety plan, perform a JSA prior to your task, and make sure you have SDS information on each chemical you are working with.

Some other engineering controls are listed below:

  • Eliminate the solvent – this is the most foolproof method, but not always possible. Cleaning can sometimes be done with strong detergents.
  • Substitute with a less toxic solvent – the toxicity must be known. Sometimes there is no good substitute.
  • Substitute with a less volatile solvent – solvents that evaporate less readily may not give off enough vapors to exceed the PEL.
  • Enclosing a process using solvents – prevents vapors from escaping into the air.
  • Cover all open-topped containers and tanks during non-use – reduces the time vapors are being emitted into the air.
  • Prohibiting the use of the solvent in unventilated enclosed or confined spaces –ventilation will reduce levels in the air.
  • General or exhaust ventilation