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1-4 Users
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Complimentary customer support service
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5-9 Users
Access to our ENTIRE eLearning catalog
Take as many courses as you want, anytime
Complimentary customer support service
Access your certificates anytime
Progress reporting for 1 team leader
Set certification due dates and receive reminder emails
per user
10-49 Users
Access to our ENTIRE eLearning catalog
Take as many courses as you want, anytime
Priority customer support service
Access your certificates anytime
Progress reporting for 5 team leaders
Set certification due dates and receive reminder emails
Need a course we don’t have yet? We’ll build it for you*
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Learn about custom eLearning programs specifically designed for corporations with 50 or more employees.
*Custom made courses are available upon request with a one-year agreement. Limitations may apply. Contact sales to learn more.